St. Clair County encourages community involvement and we hope you will consider serving your community.  The Board of Commissioners appoints citizens to the numerous boards and commissions listed below.  You can learn more about the duties, responsibilities, composition, term, etc. by expanding each board or commission.

Aeronautics Advisory Board

Meeting Frequency:    As Needed

Meeting Location:        177 Ash Drive, Kimball MI  48074 – St. Clair County International Airport

Contact Person:            Catie Fiore, Airport Director

Phone Number:             (810) 364-6890

Purpose:    The Aeronautics Advisory Board was established to assist and make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners and the Administrator/Controller in establishing policies and procedures for the St. Clair County International Airport and serves under the direction of the Airport Director. 

The powers and duties set out in the State Aeronautics Act, in particular those duties set out in section 259.133 of the Michigan Compiled Laws, are vested in the St. Clair County Board of Commissioners and specifically delegated by this Board to the Administrator/Controller. 

The Board of Commissioners established the Aeronautics Advisory Board via Resolution 99-25 on August 11, 1999. 


  • Review and recommend usage fees
  • Review and recommend lease terms and conditions
  • Review policies, procedures, regulations for use of the Airport and properties within its boundaries. 



Number of Members:       4                                                                                                         

Term Length:                       3 Years

Term Limit:                           None

Paid Per Diem:                    Yes                 

Paid Mileage:                       Yes


This Board is established under the 3-district map and the regions are North, South, West and 1 at-large position.  

Current Membership:




Term Expiration




Robert Bennatts



Steven Bacsikin



David Corby




Application Process:  Applications can be submitted electronically by clicking on the “Application” button below.  All appointments shall be reviewed for eligibility and may require a background check prior to taking office.  The Board of Commissioners shall approve all appointments in a public session.

Meeting Frequency:    Monthly, fourth Friday of the month at 9:30 a.m. (or as needed)

Meeting Location:        29100 Northwestern Highway, Suite 400; Southfield, MI 48034.  Meetings are in person.  No online/phone access is available. 

Contact Person:            Executive Services Manager at (800) 852-7795

Phone Number:            (248) 262-9956

Purpose:   Established in 1974, the AgeWays Nonprofit Senior Serives (formerly Area Agency on Aging 1-B {AAA 1-B}) is a nonprofit 501(c) 3 organization with a rich history of supporting older adults, people with disabilities and family caregivers in southeast Michigan. They are part of a national network of Area Agencies on Aging and a leader in aging services in a six-county region that includes Livingston, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair and Washtenaw Counties. 

Responsibilities:  The duties of the members are as follows:

  • Help people access the services and programs they need to remain living independently and with dignity in their own home or with family caregivers.
  • Provides direct care programs for seniors, along with funding and support for many programs provided by community partner organizations.
  • Provide input and direction on various initiatives of AgeWays  
  • Help develop an annual plan. AgeWays Board of Directors meetings are open to the general public.


The AgeWays Nonprofit Senior Services is governed by a Board of Directors. The Board includes aging network and health industry leaders from across the six-county region that the AgeWays serves.  A County Commissioner and one older adult representative (60 years of age or older) from St. Clair County sit on the Board.


Number of Members:       2                     
Term Length:                       2 years                     
Term Limit:                          None

Paid Per Diem:                    No                                         
Paid Mileage:                      Yes, when in person (none for remote meetings)


 Current Membership:




Term Expiration


Older Adult Representative


Steve Simasko

Board of Commissioners Representative



Application Process:  Applications can be submitted electronically by clicking on the “Application” button below.  All appointments shall be reviewed for eligibility and may require a background check prior to taking office.  The Board of Commissioners shall approve all appointments in a public session. 


Meeting Frequency:    As Needed

Meeting Location:        Conference Room A, 2nd Floor, 200 Grand River Avenue, Port Huron MI

Contact Person:            Kara Schrader, Associate Planner

Phone Number:               (810) 989-6950


The St. Clair County Agricultural Preservation Board is dedicated to preserving farmland and open space throughout St. Clair County, Michigan.  It also works to promote agricultural tourism and economic development within the region.

The St. Clair County Agricultural Preservation Board was born out of the Farmland and Open Space Initiative (FOSI) group and was formally established on June 9, 2004 by the St. Clair County Board of Commissioners. They are the governing board over the County's Purchase of Development Rights (PDR) program. As part of the County’s PDR program, a conservation easement is placed on the land when development rights are purchased or donated from an actively farmed property. A conservation easement is designed specifically to protect farmland by means of compensating farmers for their willingness to accept a deed restriction on their land that limits future development for non-agricultural purposes. Participation is voluntary and landowners are compensated for lost development potential at fair market value for development rights. They still own the land and retain all other rights associated with it; however, the land must continue to be used for agricultural purposes, or remain in a natural state permanently, regardless of transfer or sale of the property.


The St. Clair County Agricultural Preservation Board is completely funded by donations. Previously, when there was more funding available and the board was more active, they also worked to educate local officials on farmland and open space preservation and to promote agribusiness and economic development. They have worked with landowners interested in preserving farmland, educated people about the conservation easement donation process, and undertaken other activities to promote the agricultural economy in St. Clair County. The purpose of agricultural preservation is to preserve valuable farmland that would otherwise be developed. Once land is lost to development, it no longer retains the valuable farming qualities that once existed. The public meetings are held on an as needed basis.


Number of Members:       9                                                                                                         

Term Length:                       3 Years

Term Limit:                           None

Paid Per Diem:                    No                  

Paid Mileage:                       No


The County Agriculture Preservation Board consists of nine (9) members who shall individually be representatives of interests to agriculture and agricultural preservation.  This shall include representatives of: 

  1. One County Commissioner or designee,
  2. Three individuals with agricultural interests,
  3. One representative that is an elected official in township government,
  4. One individual with real estate interests,
  5. One individual representing home builder/development interest,
  6. One individual representing local natural resource conservation interests, and
  7. One representing cities, townships and/or villages.


Current Membership:




Term Expiration

Jim Domagalski

Agricultural Community


Kenneth Langmesser

Agricultural Community


Dianna Seifert

Cities and Villages


Jim Reid

Farm Interest 



Home/Building Development



Local Gov/Twp Official



Natural Resources/Conservationist



Real Estate


Dave Rushing




Application ProcessApplications can be submitted electronically by clicking on the “Application” button below.  All appointments shall be reviewed for eligibility and may require a background check prior to taking office.  The Board of Commissioners shall approve all appointments in a public session.

Meeting Frequency:    As Needed

Meeting Location:        177 Ash Drive, Kimball MI  48074 – St. Clair County International Airport

Contact Person:            Catie Fiore, Airport Director

Phone Number:             (810) 364-6890

Purpose:    The Airport Zoning Board of Appeals was established in accordance with the International Airport Zoning Ordinance.   

When an appeal is filed regarding an action or decision by the Airport Director concerning zoning regulations, the Board convenes to review and decide outcome of the appeal, any and all documentation and/or presentations.


  • Hear and decide appeals from any order, requirement, rule, regulations, decision or determination from the Airport Director
  • Issue certificates of variance as necessary



Number of Members:       5                                                                                                         

Term Length:                       3 Years

Term Limit:                           None

Paid Per Diem:                    Yes                 

Paid Mileage:                       Yes


All five members of the Board represent the general public with one alternate.

Current Membership:




Term Expiration


General Public



General Public



General Public



General Public



General Public






Application Process:  Applications can be submitted electronically by clicking on the “Application” button below.  All appointments shall be reviewed for eligibility and may require a background check prior to taking office.  The Board of Commissioners shall approve all appointments in a public session. 

Website:  /Uploads/Airport/Default.aspx

Meeting Frequency:    As necessary to transact their business

Meeting Location:        As determined by County Clerk/ Election Clerk

Contact Person:            Angie Waters / Deborah Rhein

Phone Number:            (810) 985-2200


The Board of Canvassers is authorized by P.A. 116 of 1954, MCL 168.24.  Board of Canvassers verify the proper completion of the records from the election. The County Clerk serves as clerk of the Board but does not have a vote.  There are 83 Boards of County Canvassers in the State of Michigan, currently composed of two Republican members and two Democratic members. 

Responsibilities: The duties of the members are as follows:

  • Canvassing each of the county’s precincts by carefully reviewing the vote totals reported and ensuring consistency across all election forms and certificates.
  • Canvassing the county’s vote totals by summing the votes cast in all precincts in the county and reporting those results to the Board of State Canvassers and relevant local election officials.
  • Determining the results of certain local and county elections and ballot questions.
  • Managing any recounts that might occur.
  • Physically inspecting the county’s ballot containers every four years.



Number of Members:       4                     
Term Length:                       4 years                     
Term Limit:                          None

Paid Per Diem:                    yes                                        
Paid Mileage:                      yes


The Board is comprised of two Democrats and two Republicans, appointed by the County Board of Commissioners, according to State law, to staggered four-year terms.  Administrative support is provided by the Office of the County Clerk.   Members of the board shall be qualified electors of the county and shall take and subscribe to the constitutional oath of office.  No person holding an elective public office shall be eligible for membership on the Board of County Canvassers. If any member of the Board of County Canvassers, during his term of office, becomes a candidate for any elective public office, his office shall be vacant.


 Current Membership:




Term Expiration

Rachael Dickinson

Democratic Party


Yvonne Williams

Democratic Party


Deem Boldyreff

Republican Party


Barry Mugridge

Republican Party



Selecting Board MembersNo later than September 1 of each odd-numbered year, the county committee of each political party represented on the Board shall submit the names of three persons interested in representing that party on the Board to the county clerk.  The county clerk shall forward these names to the County Board of Commissioners, who shall elect one of the three persons to serve a four-year term on the Board under the Michigan Open Meetings Act. 


Manual for Boards of Canvassers

SCC Republican Party

SCC Democratic Party

Meeting Frequency:    Monthly- 4th Tuesday of the month at 1:00 p.m. unless otherwise posted

Meeting Location:        Conference Room A, 2nd Floor, 200 Grand River Avenue, Port Huron MI

Contact Person:            Geoffrey Donaldson, Authority Director

Phone Number:               (810) 989-6900

Purpose:    Michigan has developed several incentives for redevelopment, including cost-effective cleanup options, causation-based liability, liability protection for new owners, and grants and loans available to local units of government. Innovative use of available federal, state, and local resources can be incorporated into redevelopment incentives to support expansion and to encourage new businesses to locate in Michigan.

In 2004, the St. Clair County Board of Commissioners established the St. Clair County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (SCCBRA) to assist in the revitalization of contaminated properties throughout the county. The SCCBRA is managed by the St. Clair County Metropolitan Planning Commission. In 2017, the SCCBRA—along with the St. Clair County Land Bank Authority, the City of Port Huron, the City of Marysville and Port Huron Township—was awarded its second EPA Brownfield Coalition Assessment Grant; its first grant was awarded in 2010. This grant can be used to assess the environmental conditions on sites suspected of being impacted by petroleum products or hazardous substances.

The SCCBRA supports projects throughout St. Clair County that require financial assistance with assessing potential environmental roadblocks or concerns.


  • Liability protection (for pre-existing environmental contamination)
  • Opportunities for reimbursement of environmental expenditures
  • Opportunities for low-cost loans
  • Reimbursement of eligible redevelopment activities, including demolition and asbestos/lead abatement costs


Beyond the use of Federal and State grants, Brownfield project funding is also made possible through the use of incremental taxes generated by redevelopment projects approved in a Brownfield Plan.



Number of Members:       9                                                                                                         

Term Length:                       3 Years

Term Limit:                           None

Paid Per Diem:                    No                  

Paid Mileage:                       No


Current Membership:




Term Expiration


Dan Casey

EDA Director/Designee



Lindsay Wallace

SCCMPC Director/Designee



Lorrelei Natke

BOC District 1

10/31/2027 Current

John Cooper

BOC District 2



Pauline Repp


BOC District 3




BOC District 4



Paul Wade

BOC District 5



John Monte

BOC District 6



John Steffy

BOC District 7




Application ProcessApplications can be submitted electronically by clicking on the “Application” button below.  All appointments shall be reviewed for eligibility and may require a background check prior to taking office.  The Board of Commissioners shall approve all appointments in a public session. 

Website/Uploads/Metro Planning/Brownfield.aspx

Meeting Frequency:    Four times a year

Meeting Location:        Central Dispatch, 1170 Michigan Rd. Port Huron, MI 48060

Contact Person:            Tina Bricker

Phone Number:            (810) 966-1691

Purpose:    The Central Dispatch Advisory Board was created to act as an Advisory Board to the Central Dispatch Center on behalf of the County Board of Commissioners.

Responsibilities: The duties of the members are as follows:

  • The Dispatch Advisory will review and make recommendations for technical, operational and fiscal aspects of the emergency 9-1-1 service for the Central Dispatch Center
  • Comply with Law Enforcement Information Network (LEIN) requirements and policies
  • Recommend policies and procedures
  • Recommend a Director
  • Meet the requirements under the Emergency Telephone Enabling Act, PA 32 and the County E911 Service Plan.


Number of Members:       5                     
Term Length:                       4 years                     
Term Limit:                          None

Paid Per Diem:                    No                                         
Paid Mileage:                      No


The Advisory Board shall be comprised of members that are active users of the Central Dispatch system and live in or own business/property in St. Clair County, with exception of the Michigan State Police representative. All members will be appointed by the St. Clair County Board of Commissioners, with the exception of the Michigan State Police representative. The Advisory Board shall be comprised of more than 50% Criminal Justice Agency representatives for the purposes of LEIN requirements (Rule 201 c.) The Advisory Board shall consist of five (5) members as follows, one (1) per category in alphabetical order:

  1. County Sheriff Representative - Sworn Member (CJA)
  2. Criminal Justice Association Member (CJA)
  3. Fire Representative
  4. Medical Control Representative
  5. State Police Representative — Sworn member (CJA)

The above categories shall represent the voting membership of the Advisory Board, with the Criminal Justice Association members, denoted by CJA, overseeing specific LEIN requirements for the dispatch center.


 Current Membership:




Term Expiration

Chief Brian Kerrigan

Criminal Justice Representative


Ken Cummings

Medical Control Representative


Chief Joseph Doan

Fire Representative


Sheriff Mat King

Sheriff Representative

By virtue of office

Sgt. Todd Leveille

Michigan State Police Representative

By virtue of office


Website: /Uploads/Central Dispatch/Default.aspx

Meeting Frequency:    At least 4 times annually

Meeting Location:        BOC Room, 2nd Floor, 200 Grand River Avenue, Port Huron MI

Contact Person:            Julie Ganhs

Phone Number:               (810) 989-6371

Purpose:    The Commission on Aging’s purpose is to recommend prudent spending of public funds (Senior Citizens’ Millage) and to coordinate programs and services that meet the changing needs of St. Clair County seniors 60 years of age and older that promote their well-being and quality of life. 

The Commission on Aging is organized under the State of Michigan, Public Act 39 of 1976 – Activities or Services for Older Persons and the Commission was established by Resolution 79-82 of the St. Clair County Board of Commissioners in 1979.  

Responsibilities: The duties of the COA members are as follows:

  • Stay abreast of current issues related to St. Clair County seniors. 
  • Educate the public on the resources available through the senior millage.    
  • Make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners on senior services and annual senior citizens’ millage budget.
  • Monitor expenditures of the senior citizens’ millage appropriations.
  • Seeks proposals for new services funded by the millage as needs of St. Clair County seniors change.



Number of Members:       9                                                                                                         

Term Length:                       3 Years

Term Limit:                           None

Paid Per Diem:                    Yes                 

Paid Mileage:                       Yes


The Board of Commissioners appoint the COA nine (9) member commission.  7 positions represent each of the Board of Commissioner Districts and the member must reside in the commission district.  There are two (2) at-large positions that can reside anywhere within St. Clair County.  The Senior Citizen Millage Administrator serves as the Secretary to the COA and is a non-voting member. 

Current Membership:




Term Expiration

Linda Schmitt

District 1


Kristal Jones

District 2


Diane Cooper

District 3


Karynn Carrell

District 4


Todd Bigger

District 5


CarolAnn Wasilco

District 6


Judy Wallis

District 7


Sharron DeFever



Bonnie DiNardo




Application ProcessApplications can be submitted electronically by clicking on the “Application” button below.  All appointments shall be reviewed for eligibility and may require a background check prior to taking office.  The Board of Commissioners shall approve all appointments in a public session. 

Website/Uploads/Commission on Aging/Default.aspx

Meeting Frequency:    Second Tuesday of each month @ 5:00 p.m.

Meeting Location:        3111 Electric Ave., Port Huron, MI

Contact Person:            Debra Johnson, CEO ( or
Tracy Wells, Executive Secretary

Phone Number:            (810) 985-8900

Purpose:   The creation of the Community Health Board is authorized by sections 222 and 224 of Chapter 2 of P.A. 258 of 1974.  The purpose of the Board is to ensure a comprehensive array of mental health and substance use disorder services appropriate to conditions of individuals who are located within its geographic service area, regardless of an individual’s ability to pay.  Services shall promote the best interests of the individual and shall be designed to increase independence, improve quality of life and support community integration and inclusion.


Responsibilities: The duties of the members are as follows:

  • Annually conduct a needs assessment to determine the mental health needs of the residents of the county.
  • Annually review, approve and submit to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and the Board of Commissioners the needs assessment report, annual plan and request for new funds for community mental health services programs. 
  • Annually approve the Community Mental Health program operating budget for the year.
  • To secure private, federal and other public funds to support the community mental health authority program.
  • Approve and authorize all contracts for the provision of services.
  • Appoint a Chief Executive Officer of the Community Mental Health Authority who meets the standards of training and experience established by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.
  • Establish general policy guidelines within which the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) shall execute the Community Mental Health Authority.


Number of Members:       12                  
Term Length:                       3 years                     
Term Limit:                          None

Paid Per Diem:                    Yes                                        
Paid Mileage:                      Yes


The Community Mental Health Board consists of twelve (12) members.  In accordance with the Mental Health Code, shall be representative of providers of mental health services, recipients or primary consumers of mental health services, agencies and occupations having working involvement with mental health services and the general public.  At least 1/3 of the membership shall be primary consumers or family members, and of that 1/3 at least 2 members shall be primary consumers.  Board members must be residents of St. Clair County, 18 years of age or older and are appointed by a majority vote of the St. Clair County Board of Commissioners.


 Current Membership:




Term Expiration

Emily Vinkier Pierce

District 1


Martha Partipilo

District 2


Jessica Totty

District 3


Julie Jowett-Lee

District 4


Edwin Priemer

District 5


Nancy Thomson

District 6


Dawn Davey

District 7


 Kenneth Nicholl



Anthony Essian



Lori Ames



Kyle Schieweck



Rosella Mirabelli




Application ProcessFor an application to the SCCMHA Board, please contact Tracy Wells at (810) 966-3740.  All appointments shall be reviewed for eligibility and may require a background check prior to taking office.  The Board of Commissioners shall approve all appointments in a public session. 



Meeting Frequency:    4th Wednesday of each month at 9:30 a.m.

Meeting Location:        200 Grand River Ave., Port Huron, MI (Conf. Room A)

Contact Person:            Raina Moore

Phone Number:            (810) 966-2000

Purpose:   The St. Clair County Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) Board is established in accordance with the Public Act 280 of 1939, commonly known as “Public Welfare Act”.   The Board, as part of the county MDHHS office, collaborates with the State MDHHS to address the needs of the people of the county, focusing on removing social disabilities and barriers and restoring individuals to self-support, and to normal conditions of life.

Responsibilities: The duties of the members are as follows:

  • To act as an agent for the County Board of Commissioners in development of coordinated approaches to delivery of services between the DHHS and public and private social agencies with the County.
  • Review agency services.
  • Monitor progress toward outcomes.
  • Advises the county agency on local policies and procedures, and reviews all contracts for services within the county.
  • Involved with the selection and evaluation of the County DHHS Director.
  • Development and administration of employment programs and work training projects complementary to and not in conflict with state programs.



Number of Members:       3                     
Term Length:                       3 years                     
Term Limit:                          None

Paid Per Diem:                    No, receives a salary                                           
Paid Mileage:                      None


The DHHS Board consists of three members, two appointed by the County Board of Commissioners and the third appointed by the Director of the Michigan DHHS to three-year terms. DHHS board members must reside in the county in which they are applying and must not hold an elective office, including precinct delegate. The salary and expenses of each member of the Board shall be fixed by the County Board of Commissioners according to the amount of time the member devotes to the performance of official duties. 

 Current Membership:




Term Expiration

Rev. Thomas Seppo

BOC Appointment


Byron Hazely

BOC Appointment



State Appointment



Application ProcessApplications can be submitted electronically by clicking on the “Application” button below.  All appointments shall be reviewed for eligibility and may require a background check prior to taking office.  The Board of Commissioners shall approve all appointments in a public session. 


Meeting Frequency:    As Needed

Meeting Location:        Health Department – 3415 28th Street

Contact Person:            Steve Demick

Phone Number:               (810) 987-5306

Purpose:    To hear any appeal presented by any person who has been denied a permit as required by the Public Health Code. Three members from the Board of Appeals, consisting of a Township Supervisor, lay person possessing professional qualifications and a member of the Board of Health are selected to hear the request and determine whether to the grant the variance(s) required. The decision of the Board of Appeals is final, other than for such judicial review as may be provided by statutory and common laws of the State of Michigan.

Responsibilities: The duties of the members are as follows:

  • Hear the request for a variance(s) to a person’s permit/license application.
  • Conduct an on-site inspection of the premises and review any other physical demonstration deemed necessary.



Number of Members:       7 Members                                                 

Term Length:                       4 Years – Township Supervisors; 2-years Professionals

Term Limit:                           None

Paid Per Diem:                    Yes                 

Paid Mileage:                       Yes


Membership shall consist of four Township Supervisors and three Professionals. Township Supervisors term shall run in concurrence with their elected term of office.

Current Membership:




Term Expiration

Alan Briolat



Tom Kaufman



Tom Morgan



Michael Appel



Artie Bryson



Bruce Christy



Mary Agnes Simson




Application ProcessApplications can be submitted electronically by clicking on the “Application” button below.  All appointments shall be reviewed for eligibility and may require a background check prior to taking office.  The Board of Commissioners shall approve all appointments in a public session. 

Website: /PageBuilder/scchd/Offices/585?pageparent=552

Meeting Frequency:    3rd Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a.m.

Meeting Location:        Health Dept.   3415 28th St., Port Huron, MI

Contact Person:            Elizabeth King (SCCBOH@STCLAIRCOUNTY.ORG)

Phone Number:            (810) 987-5300

Purpose:   The Health Advisory Board is created and is delegated authority by the St. Clair County Board of Commissioners pursuant to Section 2413 of Public Health Code, Act 368, of 1978, as amended.  The Board of Commissioners has appointed an eight-member Board of Health who serve in an advisory capacity, providing governmental presence locally assuring conditions in which community members can be healthy. 

Responsibilities: The duties of the members are as follows:

  • Develop and recommend rules, regulations and ordinances necessary to carry out the public health mission of the Health Department.
  • Review and provide comments to the Public Health Officer regarding the annual budget.
  • Identify and recommend priorities of public health problems for community action.



Number of Members:       8                     
Term Length:                       2 years                     
Term Limit:                          None

Paid Per Diem:                    yes                                        
Paid Mileage:                      yes


Geographic districts apportioned by Resolution 84-29.  The eight-member Advisory Board of Health shall consist of five appointees whereby one is a resident of each geographic district, two shall be members-at-large and one member of the County Board of Commissioners. 

 Current Membership:




Term Expiration

Leann Clink

District 1


Carolyn Richards

District 2


Monica Standel

District 3


Marie Mueller

District 4


Dr. Stephen Smith

District 5


Kevin Watkins



Dawn Fulk

Member-at -Large


Robert Fielitz

Board of Commissioner Representative



Application ProcessApplications can be submitted electronically by clicking on the “Application” button below.  All appointments shall be reviewed for eligibility and may require a background check prior to taking office.  The Board of Commissioners shall approve all appointments in a public session. 

Website:  /PageBuilder/scchd/Offices/544?pageparent=533

Meeting Frequency:    At least 6 times annually

Meeting Location:        Emergency Operations Center, 295 Airport Dr. Kimball, MI

Contact Person:            Justin Westmiller

Phone Number:            (810) 989-6965

Purpose:    The purpose of the HSEM Advisory Council shall be to serve as a coordinating body for assessing homeland security and emergency management needs. 

Responsibilities: The duties of the HSEM members are as follows:

  • Identify needs and facilitate actions related to training, planning, exercising and equipping organizations, communities or individuals.
  • Provide a forum for an open exchange of views regarding potential local initiatives.
  • Serve as a central review committee for County response plans.
  • Developing strategies to overcome shortfalls in readiness.
  • Serve as the coordination point for SE MI UASI issues and projects.
  • Serve as the Citizen’s Corps Council.
  • Educate the public on emergency preparedness and response, help citizens take an active role in protecting themselves from harm, and teach citizens what to do in the event of a crisis.



Each group position on the Advisory Council will be filled by one member selected by nomination of a recognized agency or discipline organization relevant to that group position and accepted by Advisory Council. In the event there is no recognized agency or discipline organization to nominate an individual for membership, the Advisory Council will nominate the individual. Nominees may act as members in all matters except by-law revisions and changes in membership until approved or denied membership by the St. Clair County Board of Commissioners.  The membership of the Advisory Council is made up of one representative from each group listed below:


  • St. Clair County Fire Chiefs Association
  • St. Clair County Criminal Justice Association
  • St. Clair County Sheriff Department
  • Emergency Management
  • Medical Control - Emergency Medical Service
  • Medical Control – Hospitals
  • Hazardous Materials
  • Public Works • Business — Commercial
  • Business - Manufacturing
  • Public Safety Communications
  • County Governmental Administrative
  • County Commissioner
  • City Governmental Administrative
  • Township Governmental Administrative
  • Metropolitan Planning
  • Community Mental Health
  • Public Health
  • Utilities — Gas
  • Utilities — Electric
  • Chemical
  • Labor/Volunteers
  • Private Security
  • County Governmental Information Technology
  • Port Huron Fire Department
  • Port Huron Police Department
  • Schools (RESA)
  • Clergy
  • Citizen
  • Transportation – Rail
  • Transportation – Bus
  • United Way – 211
  • MSP (Non-Voting)
  • SE MI UASI (Non-Voting)


Number of Members:       31                              

Term Length:                       None 

Term Limit:                          None

Paid Per Diem:                    None

Paid Mileage:                      None


 Current Membership:




Term Expiration

Jonathan Pinch



Justin Westmiller

Homeland Security /Emergency Management


Sheriff Mat King 

Sheriff Department


Elizabeth King

Health Department


Jennifer Dugger

Community Mental Health


Peter Klomparens

Metropolitan Planning


Dr. Michael Paul

Medical Control - Hospital


Ken Cummings

Medical Control - EMS





Wendell Roy

Information Technology


Marty VanConant

Private Security


Trevor Westbrook

Utility – Gas


Chief Corey Nicholson

Port Huron Fire


Katie Cox



Tina Bricker

Communications – Dispatch


Chief Joe Platzer

Port Huron Police


Ken Harris



Chief Mike Koach

Criminal Justice Association


Chief Dave Westrick

Fire Chief’s Association


Carnel Richardson



Bill Deater

Township Government


Randy Fernandez

City Government


Dave Vandenbossche

County Commissioner


Bill Herpel

Hazardous Material


Margaret Guillaumin

Utility – Electric


Kristine Morris

County Administration


Tom Meyers



Bonnie Lentz

Transportation – Bus


Brent Gillette

United Way and 211


David Smith



Randy Bennett



Lt. Tim Ketvirtis

Michigan State Police (non-voting)


Melanie Ben-Ezra 

UASI (non-voting)



Application ProcessApplications can be submitted electronically by clicking on the “Application” button below.  All appointments shall be reviewed for eligibility and may require a background check prior to taking office.  The Board of Commissioners shall approve all appointments in a public session. 

Website: /Uploads/Emergency Management/epc.aspx?meid=434

Meeting Frequency:    Monthly – first Monday of the month at 2 p.m. unless otherwise posted

Meeting Location:        Conference Room A, 2nd Floor, 200 Grand River Avenue, Port Huron MI

Contact Person:            Geoffrey Donaldson, Land Bank Authority Director

Phone Number:               (810) 989-6900

Purpose:    A land bank is a public authority created to efficiently acquire, hold manage and develop tax-foreclosed property, as well as other vacant, blighted, obsolete and abandoned properties. The St. Clair County Land Bank Authority works has a mission to create positive economic impact on St. Clair County communities by facilitating productive reuse of land. They work to address mortgage and tax foreclosed properties, eliminate blight, and preserve neighborhoods through strategic acquisition and disposition of abandoned and underutilized properties in collaboration with local stakeholders to ultimately add value to the community.


  • Eliminates the loss of local control common to property sales at tax auctions.
  • Minimizes contagious blight.
  • Eliminates low-end speculation.
  • Increases land sale proceeds resulting from higher property value.



Number of Members:       5                                                                                                         

Term Length:                       3 Years

Term Limit:                           None

Paid Per Diem:                    No                  

Paid Mileage:                       No


The St. Clair County Land Bank Authority (SCCLBA) was established in 2009 with an intergovernmental agreement with the Michigan Land Bank Fast Track Authority. The SCCLBA is a separate legal entity and public body corporate which administers and executes the purposes and objectives of the Agreement.


Current Membership:




Term Expiration

Kelly Roberts-Burnett

County Treasurer


Jay DeBoyer

At Large (County Resident)


Pauline Repp

Elected Twp/City Official


Bill Gratopp

At Large (County Resident) 


Jeff Bohm

At Large (County Resident)



Application ProcessApplications can be submitted electronically by clicking on the “Application” button below.  All appointments shall be reviewed for eligibility and may require a background check prior to taking office.  The Board of Commissioners shall approve all appointments in a public session. 

Website/Uploads/Metro Planning/LandBank.aspx

Meeting Frequency:    Monthly – 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m.

Meeting Location:        210 McMorran Blvd, Port Huron, MI 48060

Contact Person:            Allison Arnold

Phone Number:               (810) 987-7323

Purpose:    To operate and provide library services, including policymaking, hiring and supervising a Director, adopting an annual budget and planning for the Library’s growth.  The creation of the Library Board is authorized by P.A. 138 of 1917.

Responsibilities: The duties of the members are as follows:

  • Adopt by-laws and rules for the Board’s governance.
  • Control the expenditures of all Library Board funds.
  • Appoint and/or remove the Director.
  • Work to insure adequate funding for the Library.
  • Adopt an annual budget and interim revisions.
  • Adopt and enforce rules, regulations and policies regarding the use and operation of the Library.
  • Adopt plans, both long and short-term for the Library’s growth.
  • Serve as liaison with the community.
  • Advocate for the Library.
  • Attend all Regular, Annual and Special Meetings and participate on Committees.



Number of Members:       5 members                                                              

Term Length:                       5 Years

Term Limit:                           None

Paid Per Diem:                    Yes                 

Paid Mileage:                       Yes


Membership shall consist of one member from each established Library District. All members must be qualified electors of the County and must reside within the District they represent.


Current Membership:




Term Expiration

Denise Brooks

District 1


Elizabeth Buckley

District 2


Stacey Lauwers

District 3


Michael McCartan

District 4



District 5



Application ProcessApplications can be submitted electronically by clicking on the “Application” button below.  All appointments shall be reviewed for eligibility and may require a background check prior to taking office.  The Board of Commissioners shall approve all appointments in a public session. 


Meeting Frequency:    At least quarterly

Meeting Location:        Emergency Operations Center, 295 Airport Dr. Kimball, MI

Contact Person:            Justin Westmiller

Phone Number:            (810) 989-6965

Purpose:    The purpose of the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) is to investigate the potential for hazardous chemical releases, review information, develop, improve and update response plans, integrate plans into the Emergency Operations Plan, disseminate information to the public as applicable under current law and evaluate resources and prepare recommendations to correct resource deficiencies.

                        The authority of the LEPC is provided under the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986, Title III “Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know” (SARA).

 Responsibilities: The duties of the LEPC members are as follows:

  • Develop and review offsite emergency response plans.
  • Authorize the submission of the offsite emergency response plans for review and signature to the facility emergency coordinator and fire chief for the jurisdiction the facility is located within.
  • Authorize submission of offsite emergency response plans to MC-CERCC.
  • Authorize distribution of copies of the plan.
  • Evaluate plan exercises.
  • Develop and analyze response plans, surveys, Tier I and II forms and other applicable data.
  • Provide hazard mitigation recommendations to facilities.
  • Review and approve hazard description with site-specific data for inclusion in the emergency response plan.
  • Review and approve most probable and worst-case scenarios to maintain planning requirements.
  • Determine vulnerability zones for each site.
  • Review site locations for potential impacts from incident and mitigation efforts and make recommendations.
  • Review/identify specialized resources for emergency hazardous materials response.
  • Review/identify existing facility response resources.
  • Consult with facility representative to complete questionnaire.
  • Plot evacuation routes, access control points and traffic rerouting and warning points.



The members of the LEPC include 12 required category representations with an addition 3 being optional.



• State/Local Elected Official

• Law Enforcement

• Emergency Management

• Fire Service

• Emergency Medical Services

  • Health

• Local Environmental Personnel

• Hospital Personnel

• Transportation

• Broadcast and Print Media

• Community Groups

• Facility Owner/Operator



  • Organized Labor (O)
  • Education (O)
  • Agriculture (O)


Number of Members:       15 categories                                  

Term Length:                       None 

Term Limit:                          None

Paid Per Diem:                    None

Paid Mileage:                      None


 Current Membership:




Term Expiration




William Gilmer

Broadcast and Print Media



Community Partner N/A

Dave Vandenbossche

Elected Official


Trevor Floyd

Emergency Management


Justin Westmiller

Emergency Management


Mark White

Emergency Management


Bill Adams

Emergency Management


Sarah Chen

Facility N/A

Matthew Gilbert



Brian Miller



Joe Pemberton

Facility N/A

Eric Wynkoop

Facility N/A

Steve Snider



Chief Corey Nicholson

Fire Services


Bill Herpel

Hazardous Materials


Steve Demick



Michael Falecki



Brandon Fey

Health N/A

Nick Sage



Becky Mayes

Information Coordinator


Sheriff Mat King

Law Enforcement


Kim Churchill

Local Environmental


Joseph DeGrazia

Local Environmental


Tricia Edwards

Local Environmental


John Scheels

Local Environmental


Melissa Powers-Taylor

Local Environmental  N/A

Bonnie Lentz

Transportation N/A


Application ProcessApplications can be submitted electronically by clicking on the “Application” button below.  All appointments shall be reviewed for eligibility and may require a background check prior to taking office.  The Board of Commissioners shall approve all appointments in a public session. 

Website: /Uploads/Emergency Management/epc.aspx?meid=434

Meeting Frequency:    TBD

Meeting Location:        TBD

Contact Person:            St. Clair County Administration

Phone Number:               810-989-6900

Purpose:  Required by amendments to Part 115, Solid Waste Management, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended the Materials Management Planning Committee will direct and guide the development and implementation of a Materials Management Plan.

ResponsibilitiesThe duties of the members are as follows:

  • Directs the preparation of the Materials Management Plan.
  • Reviews and approves the Work Program.
  • Identifies relevant local policies and priorities.
  • Advises municipalities regarding the Materials Management Plan.
  • Ensures the requirements of Part 115 are fulfilled.
  • Approves the Materials Management Plan prior to public comment.
  • Provides final approval of Materials Management Plan prior to Board of Commissioner approval.



The Materials Management Planning Committee consists of members from various levels of government as well as those engaged in various managed waste material industries.

Number of Members:       11                                                                                                      

Term Length:                       5 years initial term, staggered thereafter

Term Limit:                           None

Paid Per Diem:                    No                 

Paid Mileage:                       None


Current Membership:




Term Expiration

Matt Williams

Solid Waste Disposal Facility Operator


Michael Griffin

Managed Material Hauler Representative


Materials Recovery Facility Operator

Frederick Thompson

Composting Facility or Anaerobic Digestor Operator 

Matthew Ball

Waste Diversion, Reuse or Reduction Facility Operator

Martin Habalewsky

Environmental Interest Group Representative

Steve Simasko

County Elected Official

Robert Usakowski

Township Elected Official


City/Village Elected Official



Business that Generates Managed Material Representative

Kelly Karll

Regional Planning Agency Representative



Application ProcessApplications can be submitted electronically by clicking on the “Application” button below.  All appointments shall be reviewed for eligibility and may require a background check prior to taking office.  The Board of Commissioners shall approve all appointments in a public session. 


Meeting Frequency:    Monthly - 3rd Wednesday of the Month at 3:00PM

Meeting Location:        Conference Room A, 2nd Floor, 200 Grand River Avenue, Port Huron MI

Contact Person:            Lindsay Wallace, Director

Phone Number:               (810) 989-6950

Purpose:    The St. Clair County Metropolitan Planning Commission provides innovative and proactive planning services to County residents through the application of professional skills, adopted plans, and standards that foster economic prosperity, enhance the quality of life, and preserve the natural environment for current and future generations.


  • We Plan: planning, visioning, analysis, public involvement, assessment, and forecasting.
  • We Facilitate: promoting coordination, collaboration, and connecting communities to resources.
  • We Educate: providing training and tools for local officials and the public to effectively manage change.
  • We Implement: working with partners to make things happen.



Number of Members:       11                                                                                                      

Term Length:                       3 Years

Term Limit:                           None

Paid Per Diem:                    Yes                 

Paid Mileage:                       Yes


The County Board of Commissioners has appointed eleven citizens to serve as the Metropolitan Planning Commission. Members represent various sectors or interests within the County, including local government, education, agriculture, finance, and recreation/tourism. A staff of professional planners and administrative support staff assist the Commission.


Current Membership:




Term Expiration

Katie Stepp



Mark Watson

At Large


Robert Fielitz

County Board


John Steffy

Local Government 


Dan Lockwood



Dr. Geoffry Kusch

At Large


Georgia Phelan

Economic Development


Donald Sheldon

Agriculture/Natural Resources


Robert Sheehy






Steven Tenniswood




Application ProcessApplications can be submitted electronically by clicking on the “Application” button below.  All appointments shall be reviewed for eligibility and may require a background check prior to taking office.  The Board of Commissioners shall approve all appointments in a public session. 

WebsiteThe Offices of St. Clair County - Metropolitan Planning (

Meeting Frequency:    Monthly – 2nd Wednesday of each month at 4:30 p.m.

Meeting Location:        Goodells County Park – 8345 County Park Drive

Contact Person:            Dennis Delor, Parks and Recreation Director

Phone Number:               (810) 989-6960

Purpose:    To function as outlined in State of Michigan statute (Public Act 261 of 1965;) and as established by St. Clair County Board of Commissioners’ Resolution 89-23 as an Advisory Board to make recommendations regarding parks, recreation, conservation and leisure activities. 

Responsibilities: The duties of the members are as follows:

  • Inventory and study the Parks and Recreation lands and facilities.
  • Determine the County’s needs for such lands and facilities.
  • Determine the extent to which parks, recreation, conservation and leisure activities are being met.
  • Prepare and update regularly a comprehensive recreation master plan.
  • Initiate and engage in cooperative planning with various jurisdictions concerning parks, recreation and conservations services.
  • Serve as informational resource center.
  • Research, prepare and submit funding requests.
  • Encourage and provide opportunities for citizens to comment on parks, recreation and conservation issues.
  • Review and submit an annual budget to the Board of Commissioners.
  • Plan, develop, preserve and administer improvements to County parks.
  • Establish, amend or repeal rules for protection, regulation and control of its facilities.



Number of Members:       10 members                                                                       

Term Length:                       3 Years

Term Limit:                           None

Paid Per Diem:                    Yes                 

Paid Mileage:                       Yes


The Commission shall consist of 10 members.  All members shall be residents of St. Clair County and represent citizens concerned with parks, recreation, conservation and leisure activities. 

  • Four (4) members are statutorily designated positions.
    • Road Commission designee
    • Metropolitan Planning Commission designee
    • Drain Commissioner or designee
    • Board of Commissioners member
  • Six (6) members shall be appointed by the Board of Commissioners.
    • One (1) citizen representing combined Commissioner Districts 1, 4, 6
    • One (1) citizen representing combined Commissioner Districts 2, 3
    • One (1) citizen representing combined Commissioner Districts 5, 7
    • Three (3) citizens at large


Current Membership:




Term Expiration

Timothy LaLonde

Road Commission


Dr. Geoffry Kusch, M.D.

Metropolitan Planning Commission


Robert Wiley

Drain Commission


Joi Torello

Board of Commissioners


Peter Leto

Districts 1, 4, 6


Caleb Gordon

Districts 2, 3


Cindy Babisz

Districts 5, 7



Member at Large


Melissa Hanners

Member at Large


Christine Ruemenapp

Member at Large


Application ProcessApplications can be submitted electronically by clicking on the “Application” button below.  All appointments shall be reviewed for eligibility and may require a background check prior to taking office.  The Board of Commissioners shall approve all appointments in a public session. 


Meeting Frequency:    Monthly – 3rd Tuesday of each month @ 8:00 a.m.

Meeting Location:        200 Grand River Avenue, Port Huron, MI 48060

Contact Person:            Tami Rumsey

Phone Number:               (810) 989-6910

Purpose:    The administration, management and responsibility for the proper operation of the employees’ retirement system and for interpreting and making effective the provisions of the retirement ordinance. It is established and operates under the authority of Article IX, Section 24 of the State of Michigan Constitution and PA 314 of 1965.

Responsibilities: The duties of the members are as follows:

  • Exercise fiduciary responsibility for Retirement System and assets
  • Determine investments and re-investments of assets
  • Choose and monitor investment counsel and advisors
  • Choose and monitor actuarial service providers
  • Review and approve pension applications
  • Provide annual financial reports



Number of Members:       9 members                                                              

Term Length:                       Varies

Term Limit:                           None

Paid Per Diem:                    Yes                 

Paid Mileage:                       Yes


Three positions are appointed by the Board of Commissioners. One position is appointed by the Road Commissioner Chair. Five positions are elected trustees, 4 of which are members, 1 who is receiving a pension. The County Treasurer is a non-voting member.

Current Membership:




Term Expiration

Karry Hepting



Dave Vandenbossche



William Oldford Jr.



Timothy Ward

Road Commission


Deborah Martin

Road Commission – Elected


Karen Farr

CMH – Elected


Geoffrey Donaldson

SCC – Elected


James Spadafore

SCC – Elected


William Herpel, Jr.

Retiree – Elected



Application ProcessApplications can be submitted electronically by clicking on the “Application” button below.  All appointments shall be reviewed for eligibility and may require a background check prior to taking office.  The Board of Commissioners shall approve all appointments in a public session. 


Meeting Frequency:    Bi-monthly – 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month

Meeting Location:        St. Clair County Road Commission’s Central Service Center, 21 Airport Dr., St. Clair, MI 48079

Contact Person:            Tammy Marquardt-Holzberger

Phone Number:            (810) 364-5720


Road Commissions in Michigan are created and funded by State Law as independent governmental entities charged with the responsibility of maintaining a road system reasonably safe for the motoring public.  The St. Clair County Road Commission (SCCRC) is directed by a three-member policy-setting board.  One board member is appointed every two years to a six-year term by the St. Clair County Board of Commissioners.  The SCCRC Board also serves as the County Board of Public Works. 

Responsibilities: The duties of the members are as follows:

The Board of County Road Commissioners is responsible for setting policies and adoption of an Annual Budget and approval of all expenditures in accordance with accepted accounting principles applicable to governmental units.


Number of Members:       3                     
Term Length:                       6 years                     
Term Limit:                          None

Paid Per Diem:                    yes                                        
Paid Mileage:                      yes

 Current Membership/Position:




Term Expiration

Timothy Ward

District 1


Michael Lauwers

District 2


Timothy LaLonde

District 3



Application ProcessApplications can be submitted electronically by clicking on the “Application” button below.  All appointments shall be reviewed for eligibility and may require a background check prior to taking office.  The Board of Commissioners shall approve all appointments in a public session. 


Meeting Frequency:    As Needed

Meeting Location:        Conference Room A, 2nd Floor, 200 Grand River Avenue, Port Huron MI

Contact Person:            Geoffrey Donaldson, Senior Planner

Phone Number:               (810) 989-6900

Purpose:    The St. Clair County Board of Commissioners, under authority of Section 11539a of part 115, Solid Waste Management, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act 1994 P.A. 451, as amended shall appoint a Designated Planning Agency (DPA) who is responsible for preparation of the County’s Solid Waste Management Plan (Plan). The duties of the DPA are specified in both sections of the law and rules (Section 11535 and Rules 706, 707, 711[g]).


  • arrange and hold meetings of the Solid Waste Management Planning Committee (Committee),
  • hold public hearings on the draft Plan,
  • publish public notices,
  • do research and gather information and public comments necessary to prepare the plan,
  • draft plan materials and documents,
  • mail notices and plan materials as necessary,
  • maintain a central repository for public review of plan materials,
  • maintain mailing lists, and
  • conduct all public participation activities.



Number of Members:       14                                                                                                      

Term Length:                       2 Years

Term Limit:                           None

Paid Per Diem:                    No                  

Paid Mileage:                       No


The Designated Planning Agency (DPA) provides staff support to the Committee. The St. Clair County Metropolitan Planning Commission (SCCMPC) is recognized by the County Board of Commissioners as the DPA for St. Clair County.


Current Membership:




Term Expiration

Charles Dally

Environmental Interest



Environmental Interest


Kelly Karll

Regional Solid Waste Planning



Solid Waste Management Industry



Solid Waste Management Industry



Solid Waste Management Industry


Marty Ullicny

Solid Waste Management Industry



Industrial Waste Generator


Dave Vandenbossche

County Government


Barry Kreiner

City Government



Township Government


John Jones

General Public


Tim Ward

General Public



General Public



Application ProcessApplications can be submitted electronically by clicking on the “Application” button below.  All appointments shall be reviewed for eligibility and may require a background check prior to taking office.  The Board of Commissioners shall approve all appointments in a public session. 

Website/Uploads/Metro Planning/SolidWaste.aspx

Meeting Frequency:    As needed

Meeting Location:        6779 Smiths Creek Road, Smith Creek, MI – Education Center at Smiths Creek Landfill

Contact Person:            Justin Rhein

Phone Number:               (810) 985-2443    

Purpose:    The function of the Survey and Remonumentation Peer Group is to review and reach consensus on the location of original public land survey corners presented by surveyors before the county accepts the corners for filing under its Remonumentation Plan.    

The Peer Review Group is organized under the State of Michigan, Public Act 345 of 1990 – State Survey and Remonumentation Act, specifically section 54.269b.  

Responsibilities: The duties of the members are as follows:

  • Review and provide advice on original public land survey corners or protracted public land survey corners presented by surveyors before the county accepts the corners for filing under its remonumentation plan. 



Term Length:                       n/a

Term Limit:                           None

Paid Per Diem:                    No                              

Paid Mileage:                       No


Peer Review Group members must be a professional surveyor who is licensed to practice professional surveying under article 20 of the occupational code, 1980 PA 299, MCL 339.2001 to 339.2014.    

Current Membership:




Term Expiration

Robert Arnold

BMJ Engineers & Surveyors


Timothy Eddie

Polaris Surveying, PLLC


Justin Rhein

County Surveyor/Representative


Chuck Koob

Atlas Surveying PLLC


Richard Newton

St. Clair County Road Commission


Michael Rossow

Tetra Tech


James Gorinac

James Gorinac Surveyors PLLC


Andrew Bollaert

BMJ Engineers & Surveyors



Application ProcessApplications can be submitted electronically by clicking on the “Application” button below.  All appointments shall be reviewed for eligibility and may require a background check prior to taking office.  The Board of Commissioners shall approve all appointments in a public session. 

WebsiteSurvey & Remonumentation Peer Review Group

Meeting Frequency:    Monthly – 2nd Tuesday of each month @ 5 p.m.

Meeting Location:        200 Grand River Avenue, Port Huron MI

Contact Person:            Ryan McCann, VA Director

Phone Number:               (810) 989-6945

Purpose:    To function as outlined in applicable State of Michigan statues (Public Act 192 of 1953; MCL 35.621-624) as a governmental, non-sectarian, non-political Committee to administratively oversee the St. Clair County Department of Veterans’ Affairs. 

Responsibilities: The duties of the members are as follows:

  • Provide leadership, consultation, and assistance to interested individuals or groups who foster the well-being of the veteran community.
  • Functionally align with all veterans’ organizations at all levels and other groups who could possibly facilitate the needs of the veteran community.
  • Disseminate timely information concerning the social, economic, health, welfare, services, and programs for St. Clair County’s Veterans and their families.
  • To-cooperate and plan with existing governmental and private agencies in order to develop and make available needed resources for the Veteran Community of St. Clair County.



Number of Members:       3 to 7 members - currently 5

Term Length:                       4 Years

Term Limit:                           None

Paid Per Diem:                    Yes                 

Paid Mileage:                       Yes


Membership shall be as provided by County Department of Veterans’ Affairs Public Act 192 of 1953.  The Committee shall consist of 3 to 7 members.  All members shall be residents of St. Clair County and have served honorable on active duty in the United States Armed Forces.  Members shall be appointed by the Board of Commissioners (BOC) in accordance with section 35.621 of the Act. 

  • One member shall represent a congressionally chartered veteran’s organization within St. Clair County and shall have a recommendation from each chartered organization within St. Clair County.
  • One member shall be an independent member who may or may not be a member of a congressionally chartered veteran’s organization.
  • The remaining members will be determined by vote of the Board of Commissioners (BOC). 

Current Membership:




Term Expiration

John Beebe

BOC Representative


Jim Leslie

BOC Representative


Michelle Kantz

BOC Representative


Paul McIvor

VSO Representative


Jeremy Watt

Independent Representative



Application ProcessApplications can be submitted electronically by clicking on the “Application” button below.  All appointments shall be reviewed for eligibility and may require a background check prior to taking office.  The Board of Commissioners shall approve all appointments in a public session. 
