The Northeastern Watersheds

In February 2005, the Northeastern Watershed group jointly contributed $120,000 to hire Hubbell, Roth and Clark, Inc. and Carlisle Wortman Associates, Inc. to develop a watershed plan for St. Clair County’s Northeastern Watersheds. The watershed plan was completed September 2006. Watershed partners are mandated to submit a list of actions they will implement to address the plan’s recommendations in November 2007.

The Northeastern Watersheds at a Glance

Area: 31% of the land in St. Clair County (144,000 acres) draining 376 miles of tributaries. Counties: St. Clair and Sanilac

Northeastern Watershed Municipalities

Burtchville Twp, Clyde Twp, East China Twp, Fort Gratiot Twp, Kimball Twp, City of Marine City, City of Marysville, City of Port Huron, Port Huron Township, City of St. Clair, St. Clair Township, Grant Twp, Brockway Twp, Greenwood Twp, City of Yale, Kenockee Twp.

The Northeastern Watersheds (NEW) contains three subwatersheds which are the Lower Black River, Lake Huron Direct Drainage, and the St. Clair River Direct Drainage. The NEW encompasses approximately 31% of the total land in St. Clair County draining 144,000 acres of land into 376 miles of tributaries that all ultimately drain into the St. Clair River. The NEW also contains 46.8 miles of shoreline along Lake Huron and the St. Clair River.


The Subwatersheds

Black River

The boundary of the Black River Watershed is 746 square miles. For planning purposes this large watershed was divided into three smaller subwatersheds, the Upper Black River, Lower Black River and Mill Creek. The Lower Black River encompasses an area of land that is 97,189 acres (151 square miles) and contains approximately 205 miles of tributaries that drain to the Black River.

St. Clair River

The St. Clair River Direct Drainage subwatershed encompasses 15,788 acres (25 square miles) and contains approximately 50 miles of tributaries that drain directly to the St. Clair River.

Lake Huron

The Lake Huron Direct Drainage subwatershed encompasses a land area of 30,881 acres (48 square miles) and contains 121 miles of tributaries that drain directly into Lake Huron.

Watershed Plan

For information on the historical overview, soil and topography characteristics, significant natural resources, and community profiles of the Northeastern Watersheds, please view the completed plan: