
From May to September the St. Clair County Health Department participates in a Vector Borne Disease Surveillance and Prevention Program. Mosquitoes are captured and surveyed. Invasive species such as the Aedes species are identified. These vectors can cause diseases such as the West Nile virus. 






Mosquito Bite Prevention: 

  • Use an EPA approved repellent containing no more than 30 percent DEET.
  • Apply repellents before going outside.
  • Wear protective clothing,
  • Use permethrin spray on clothing or purchase pretreated clothing.
  • Stay indoors when mosquitoes are active.
  • Use mosquito nets.

Click here to visit the CDC Mosquito Bite Prevention page. 

Mosquito Prevention:

You can reduce mosquitoes' ability to multiply by eliminating standing water. Empty, turn over, or cover containers in your yard and around your home weekly to prevent mosquito development. 

West Nile:

Limited cases of West Nile virus have occurred in St. Clair County. If you have symptoms after being bitten by a mosquito, contact your primary care physician.

Click here to visit the CDC West Nile Virus website.

Click here to visit the State of Michigan's West Nile Virus website. 


Arbovirus Weekly Summary