Beach Closing Tipline
The St. Clair County Health Department makes it quick and easy for you to access accurate, real-time information about current beach advisories and closures. Check it out at:

24-hour Tipline - 877-504.SWIM or 987.7253
Facebook - St. Clair County Beaches
Web -
Smart Phone App - MyBeachCast

Why are beaches monitored?
Part 125 of Act 368, Public Acts of 1978, provides for testing and evaluation of public bathing beaches by local health departments. The St. Clair County Health Department monitors 8 beaches in St. Clair County weekly from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Samples are generally taken one foot below the surface in water that is approximately three feet deep.

Why do beaches sometimes close?
The Michigan Public Health Code sets standards that limit the levels of E. coli at beaches called Total Body Contact Standards. A beach is closed whenever these standards are exceeded. Generally, following a heavy rainfall, the beaches may be closed due to polluted storm water run-off.

What is Escherichia coli (E. coli)?
E. coli bacteria are common microbes found in the digestive tracts of warm blooded animals, including humans. The presence of E. coli in water can indicate the presence of viruses and pathogens that can make us sick.The Health Department monitors 8 public bathing beaches in St. Clair County from Memorial Day to Labor Day.


St. Clair County Public Beaches