Beginning in 2014, lawsuits were issued against pharmacies and pharmaceutical drug companies for their involvement in exacerbating the opioid crisis. Local and state governments incurred significant costs due to the crisis. St. Clair County joined this national litigation in 2018. The County of St. Clair is estimated to receive approximately $13 million over an 18 year timeframe. Opioid Settlement funds must be spent on opioid remediation. Opioid remediation is defined as the care, treatment, and other programs and expenditures designated to:

  • Address the misuse and abuse of opioid products
  • Treat or mitigate opioid use or related disorders
  • Address other alleged impacts, including on those individuals harmed by the opioid epidemic
Opioid Advisory Committee

The Opioid Advisory Committee (OAC) was established to evaluate local needs and provide recommendations for strategic actions, such as effective intervention strategies and the development of comprehensive responses to combat the opioid epidemic. The OAC includes representatives from County departments that provide services adversely affected by the opioid crisis. Members also collaborate with a variety of community organizations dedicated to addressing substance abuse and improving community outcomes. Additionally, the OAC utilizes findings from the Community Health Needs Assessment, completed in 2021, to help identify service gaps.  This offers a broader viewpoint for developing recommendations to the Board of Commissioners.


Opioid Advisory Committee Members

Hon. Michael West, 31st. Circuit Court
Hon. Daniel Damman, 31st Circuit Court
Hon. Cynthia Lane, 31st Circuit Court
Hon. John D. Monaghan, District Court
Hon. Mona Armstrong, District Court
Hon. Michael Hulewicz, District Court
Hon. John Tomlinson, Probate Court - Adult
Hon. Jennifer Smith Deegan,
Probate Court - Juvenile



Abbey Armstrong, District Court - Adult Probation
Ann Austin, Friend of Court
Amy Bishop, Health Department
Michael Boucher, Public Defender
Simon Britton, State of MI Probation
Tracy DeCaussin, Sheriff Department
Stephen Guilliat, Prosecuting Attorney
Karry Hepting,  Administration
Jim Johnson, Region 10 PIHP
Doug Jones, District Court - Adult Probation
Kenneth Heuvelman, Region 10 PIHP

Elizabeth King, Health Department
Sheriff Mat King, Sheriff Department
Frederick Lepley, Public Defender
Mike McMillan,
Circuit Court - 31st Circuit Family/Probate
Jim Spadafore, Sheriff Department
Renae Topolewski, Friend of Court
Mike Wendling, Prosecuting Attorney





Spending Plans operate on a fiscal year that runs from January 1 to December 31.

Financial reports updated on October 31, 2024.

County Resources 

St. Clair County Recovery Court

St. Clair County Friend of Court 

  • Alternative Contempt Track (ACT) Program: The ACT Program was created to address challenges/barriers facing parents who are payors of child support. Challenges/barriers may include, but are not limited to: chronic unemployment, mental or physical health issues, homelessness, lack of transportation, substance use, or lack of education. 

St. Clair County Health Department


State Resources

Exhibit E - Distributor Settlement Agreement

Michigan Department of Attorney General's Opioid Website - payment estimator

Michigan Association of Counties (MAC) Opioid Settlement Resource Center Dashboard