General Civil Filing Fees
$ | 1 - $600 ---- $35.00 |
$ | 601 - $1,750 ---- $55.00 |
$ | 1,751 – $10,000 ---- $75.00 |
$ | 10,001 - $25,000 ---- $160.00 |
Miscellaneous Civil Fees
Garnishment - $15.00
Debtor Exam - $15.00
Writ of Execution - $15.00
Writ of Restitution - $15.00
Order of Eviction - $15.00
Landlord/Tenant Filing Fees
Possession only – $55.00
Money Judgment ------ $55.00 + fee
(Same as General Civil fee schedule)
Landlord/Tenant Forms
How many copies do I need?
A Practical Guide for Tenants & Landlords informational booklet
Other Fees
Motion - $20.00
Claim and Delivery - $75.00 + money judgment
Marriage - $10.00
Jury - $50.00
Appeal from District to Circuit Court - $25.00
(810) 985-2077