Parks and Recreation Events and Activities Page
Parks and Recreation Events and Activities Page
Be sure to check out the links on the left for the many other activites and events held at St. Clair County Parks.
Wildflowers or Weeds? Yes!
Presentation for Master Gardeners of St. Clair County
Public Welcome – Free Admission
What makes a plant a weed? What’s a wildflower? How do we know which ones to pull and which to protect? What soil stories do plants tell? Can we eat the weeds we’re pulling out? Learn how restoration gardeners, ecologists, volunteers, and land managers use conservation terms and concepts to study nature, prioritize field work, avoid burnout, and have fun! This interactive presentation will help chase away the cabin fever we all get this time of year. A question and answer session will be held at the end.
Tuesday, March 18, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
St. Clair County Administration Building – Don Dodge Auditorium
200 Grand River Ave.
Port Huron MI 48060
For more information, email Kirsten at or call 810-989-6317.
Wildflowers or Weeds? - Yes! Facebook Event Page
❄ Winter Eco Gardens ❄
Experience Goodells County Park in a brand-new way this winter! Our Eco Gardens volunteers are working to remove invasive species, prepare for public education programs, and restore natural areas of the park. No experience or special tools are needed, just bring your warm, rugged clothing and cheery attitude. If the weather is inclement we will work on indoor tasks such as native/medicinal plant research. We meet at Goodells County Park office building, 8254 County Park Drive, Goodells February Dates: 3/5, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26, 1-3 p.m.
Winter Eco Gardens Facebook Event Page
By blending together demonstrations, workshops, exhibits, artisans, and activities, Earth Fair focuses on raising the level and capacity of environmental stewards to the thousands of visitors who take part in Michigan's largest Earth Day event. Earth Fair is passionate about creating an environment that's fun for everyone; visitors of all ages learn how their actions impact our local environment and the significant role we play in the health of our economy and ecosystem.
Your adventure into a celebration of Earth Day begins at the gate where you will be assisted with parking and given a guide to the exhibits and activities. Don’t forget spending money because Earth Fair can be a significant source of funding for the grassroots non-profits and local businesses. Plan on starting early for a fun-filled day at Earth!
Friday and Saturday, April 25 & 26
Goodells County Park - North Entrance off Lapeer Road