A land bank is a public authority created to efficiently acquire, hold manage and develop tax-foreclosed property, as well as other vacant, blighted, obsolete and abandoned properties.
Recent changes to Michigan’s tax foreclosure laws were helpful, but the Land Bank concept completes the solution...
- Eliminates the loss of local control common to property sales at tax auctions
- Minimizes contagious blight
- Eliminates low-end speculation
- Increases land sale proceeds resulting from higher property value
The St. Clair County Land Bank Authority (SCCLBA) was established in 2009 with an intergovernmental agreement with the Michigan Land Bank Fast Track Authority. The SCCLBA is a separate legal entity and public body corporate which administers and executes the purposes and objectives of the Agreement.
The Mission of the St. Clair County Land Bank Authority is to address mortgage and tax foreclosed properties, eliminate blight, and preserve neighborhoods through strategic acquisition and disposition of abandoned and underutilized properties in collaboration with local stakeholders to ultimately add value to the community.
PLEASE BE SURE to contact the Land Bank Authority Director (810-989-6950), if you wish to verify the documents posted on this site are the most current version.
Adopted Bylaws, Goals, etc
- St. Clair County Land Bank Authority Bylaws
- St. Clair County Land Bank Authority Strategic Goals and Recommendations – June 2010
- St. Clair County Land Bank Authority Priorities and Policies
- St. Clair County Land Bank Authority Inter-Governmental Agreement
- Agreement Between St. Clair County and St. Clair County Land Bank Authority
- Resolution 09-28 Approving the Inter-Governmental Agreement Establishing the St. Clair County Land Bank Authority
Applications, Reports and Documents
Meetings (under development)
Other Links
- Michigan Land Bank Fast Track Authority
- Land Bank Fast Track Act